How To Create A Website That Get’s People To Take Action

Creating a website is a big undertaking. Unfortunately, many business owners are only concerned with the way the site “looks” not with what it is supposed to do – get people to take action! Therefore, we have put together this resource to help you know what you need to get people to take action on your site.
1. Design
The design of your website is one of the most important factors in its success. Your website should be visually appealing but also be easy to navigate. People are conditioned for “simple solutions.” If you are making it hard for your potential clients to navigate your site, you will lose them to your competition. Sure, keep your site consistent with your brand identity, but make it simple to navigate on mobile devices.
When designing your website, keep your target audience in mind. What are they looking for? What will make them want to stay on your site? Use high-quality images and videos to capture their attention. Answer their questions, and make sure your website is easy to read on all devices.
2. Know Your Audience
When creating a website, it’s important to know who your target audience is. This includes both search engines and your ideal client. An effective website needs to be built for both audiences!
Search engines are looking for websites that are relevant to their users’ searches. To make sure your website is visible to search engines, you need to optimize it for search engine optimization (SEO). Remember, the search engines are power, they are just robots. You need to first be relevant to them if you have any chance of getting in front of your ideal clients.
Your ideal client is the person or company that you want to buy your products or services. To make sure your website speaks to your ideal client, you need to understand their needs and wants. You can do this by conducting market research or by talking to your existing customers.
Yellowbee Marketing specializes in getting your site found by the search engines on the front page, so that you can conect with your ideal client. If you need help with that, call us and we will give you a free website consultation to help you know how to be relevant to both the search engines and your potential clients.
3. Build Trust on Your Website
Building trust on your website is essential for converting visitors into customers. There are a few things you can do to build trust on your website:
- Use high-quality images and videos. This will help to make your website more visually appealing and trustworthy.
- Write clear and concise copy. Your copy should be easy to read and understand. It should also be free of errors.
- Use social proof. This includes things like testimonials, reviews, and social media shares. Social proof can help to show potential customers that you are a reputable business.
- Offer a money-back guarantee. This can help to reduce the risk for potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.
4. Review your CTA (Call to Action)
Your call to action (CTA) is a crucial part of your website if you want people to take action. It’s what you want your visitors to do after they’ve read your content.
To make sure your CTA is effective, it needs to be consistent, visible, and functional.
- Consistency
Your CTA should be consistent throughout your website. This means using the same language and design for all of your CTAs.
- Visibility
Your CTA should be visible and easy to find. This means placing it in a prominent location on your website and making sure it stands out from the rest of the content.
- Functionality
Your CTA should be functional and easy to use. This means making sure it’s clear what you want your visitors to do and providing them with a way to do it easily.
By following these tips, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and effective. Your website will be a valuable tool for your business, helping you to reach new customers and grow your business.
If you need help with this, Yellowbee’s team of experts can help you develop a site that helps you accomplish all of the above. Reach out today for your free website review.
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